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Breast Cancer

An aromatase inhibitor is the 25mg tablet Aromasin. It is used to women who have had menopause in order to treat breast cancer. It works by modifying the amount of estrogen and aids in inhibiting the formation of cancerous cells.In order to lower the chance of recurrence, Aromasin 25 mg Tablet i..
About Arimidex PillArimidex 1mg Tablet is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. It is used to cure breast cancer in women who have completed menopause. It works by reducing the estradiol levels in the blood, which slows down the development and size of the tumo..
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What is Breast Cancer?

Cancer that begins in the breast cells is called breast cancer. It is the lobules or the ducts of the breast that are the most common sites of cancer development in women.

The milk is made in glands called lobules, and it travels to the nipple via tubes called ducts. Breast cancer can also develop in the adipose and connective tissues.

Cancer of the breast is a specific form of cancer that develops in the breast tissue. Initiation can occur in either one or both breasts.

A majority of breast lumps are noncancerous and do not require treatment (malignant). Breast tumours that are not cancerous are also aberrant growths, but they do not metastasize to other organs. Although benign breast lumps seldom result in death, they have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in women.

Causes and symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer often has no noticeable signs in its early stages. Even if a tumour is too small to feel with the naked eye, mammography can often detect an anomaly in the breast tissue.

Whenever a tumour develops and can be felt, the first symptom is the appearance of a lump in the breast. However, not every lump indicates malignancy.

Even though most breast lumps aren't malignant, it's still important to get them looked out for. If you see any of the following, it's best to see a doctor as well:

Discharge from one or both nipples (which may be streaked with blood), a lump or swelling in one or both armpits, a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts, dimpling on the skin of the breasts, a rash on or around the nipple, and a change in the appearance of the nipple (such as it becoming sunken into your breast) are all causes for concern.

Those who are at high risk for developing breast cancer are.

To name only a few of the causes of increased breast cancer danger:

Risk factors for developing breast cancer increase with the following:

• advanced age

• a personal or family history of breast cancer or benign (noncancerous) breast disease

• a genetic predisposition to developing breast cancer, such as carrying a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes

• dense breast tissue

• a reproductive history that results in increased exposure to the oestrogen hormone, such as:

• beginning menstruation at a younger age;

• delaying or never experiencing menopause;

• beginning menopause at