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Cycloboon ER 15 mg

Cycloboon ER 15 mg
Cycloboon ER 15 mg
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Kachhela Medex Private Limited
  • Model: Cycloboon 15 MG
  • Active Ingredient: Cyclobenzapr
  • Treatment: Pain Reliever
  • Alcohol: Do not drink

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Cycloboon ER 15 mg (Cyclobenzaprine) Is the best treatment For Muscle pain Relief. Reduce your muscle spasm symptoms like back and neck pain with Cycloboon, an effective and long-lasting remedy.

It is not advised that older persons take this medication due to the possibility that they will be more susceptible to the negative effects that can be caused by its use.

Cyclobenzaprine ER 15 mg - Basic Knowledge Panel:

Product Name:
Cycloboon ER 15 mg
Kachhela Medex Private Limited
Used for:
muscle spasms
15 mg
Time to Work:
15-30 Minutes
Price Range:

What exactly is Cyclobenzaprine 15 mg?

Cyclobenzaprine 15mg is a medicine that can relax your muscles, which can result in a reduction in the stiffness that your muscles experience. It is used to alleviate spasms in the muscles.

It does this by interrupting the transmission of nerve impulses (also known as pain sensations) from your body to your brain.

How To Use Cyclobenzaprine 15 mg

It is recommended that you take this medication orally once a day, either with or without food as instructed by your doctor. Consume the capsules in their whole.

This medication is only meant to be taken for a short period of time at the most unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

You can open the capsule and delicately sprinkle the contents of the capsule over a tablespoon of applesauce if you are having problems swallowing the capsule whole.

What precautions should I take when taking Cyclobenzaprine ER tablets?

Inform both your primary care physician and your chemist about any other prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, or herbal products that you are currently taking or intend to take in the future.

Before you take cyclobenzaprine 15 mg, discuss with your physician or chemist whether you are allergic to the medication, as well as if you have any additional allergies.

It is imperative that women who are pregnant only use this medication when it is really necessary to do so. Have a conversation with your healthcare physician about the potential benefits as well as the potential downsides.

Side Effects of Cyclobenzaprine 15 mg

  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Swelling
  • Mood changes

Missed Dose of Cyclobenzaprine 

If you forget to take a dose of cyclobenzaprine 15 mg, you need to take it as soon as you remember that you missed it. If the time for the next dose is approaching close, you should skip the dose that you missed because it will soon be time for the following dose. It is important that you remember to take your next dose at the regular interval. To make up for lost time, it is not necessary to increase the dosage by 100 percent.


If it is almost time for your next planned dosage, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing regimen.  It's not a good idea to take both pills at once.


Cyclobenzaprine 15 mg Tablet should be stored in a cool, dry location.

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